Temporal Lift
A temporal lift is a surgical procedure that is designed to lift and reposition the outer portion of the eyebrows and smooth out wrinkles in the forehead.
Op. Dr. Mehmet Cömert

A temporal lift is a surgical procedure that is designed to lift and reposition the outer portion of the eyebrows and smooth out wrinkles in the forehead. It is a less invasive procedure than a full brow lift or forehead lift, and specifically targets the outer portion of the eyebrows.

During the temporal lift procedure, small incisions are made behind the hairline using an endoscope, which is a small camera, to view and manipulate the tissues. The tissues are lifted and the outer portion of the eyebrows are repositioned to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

What is the difference between brow lift and temporal lift?

Brow lift and temporal lift are both surgical procedures that are designed to lift the eyebrows and smooth out wrinkles in the forehead, but they differ in the specific area of the eyebrows that they target.

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a more extensive procedure that lifts the entire brow and forehead. It involves making incisions in the scalp and lifting the skin and underlying tissues to reposition the eyebrows and smooth out the forehead wrinkles. The incisions are typically hidden in the hairline, so they are not visible after the procedure.

A temporal lift, on the other hand, is a less invasive procedure that targets the outer portion of the eyebrows. It involves making small incisions behind the hairline and using an endoscope, which is a small camera, to view and manipulate the tissues. The surgeon then lifts the tissues and repositions the outer portion of the eyebrows to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

The temporal lift is often preferred by patients who have mild to moderate sagging of the outer brows and forehead wrinkles, and who want to achieve a more subtle and natural-looking result. The brow lift, on the other hand, is more appropriate for patients who have more extensive sagging of the eyebrows and forehead, and who require a more extensive lifting and repositioning of the tissues.

Ultimately, the choice between a brow lift and a temporal lift or combination of both will depend on the patient's individual needs and goals, as well as the extent of the sagging and wrinkling in the forehead and eyebrows.

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